Well…If you’re talking about the popular book series…I won’t be able to tell you.
Admitting to ne’er doing well with Waldo or those darn “magic eye” picture thingy’s that were so popular some years ago is embarrassing. And, while I’ve always been quite certain I do not see things as others do, I did not expect it to be blatantly evident that my eyesight was so terribly flawed as to render me unable to find Waldo or see the images imbedded in those stupid squiggles, wiggles, colored lines and dots.
That, howsumever, is NOT what this particular travelblog is about.
Waldo in this case is an unexpected road side stop in the accidentally discovered town of Waldo, FL.
Drive east on highway 24 from Gainesville headed towards it’s nexus with highway 301 and you will drive right into the small heart of downtown of Waldo complete with an old fashioned sign painted on a building welcoming you in.
Of note is the old caboose commemorative to the history of the town headed by two brass

Adjacent is a becoming little park in honor of the Veterans of the city which looks to be well used by the residents of the town. There’s something comforting in knowing such a small village cared enough to raise the funds to build and dedicate this little piece of land to its hometown heroes. Small town patriotism at its best. Good for you, Waldo.

Some internet research turned up 2 disparate items…one, that it is an Auto Club designated Speed Trap (signs and all) and, second, that it is regionally famous for its 50 acre Farmers & Flea Market advertised to “attract crowds of 35,000 per weekend. I’d never heard of it before…but, other than a favored weekend haunt at the fair grounds in my daughter-in-law’s hometown of Raleigh, NC, I’m not a Flea Market maven. So, what do I know? Google it for yourself…http://www.waldosfleamarket.com/
Back on track…I would rather hope the second was truer than the first.
All in all there’s not a lot to be said about Waldo…except that we found it…and it was not an unpleasant detour along the journey north to SC. Next time someone asks you…”Where’s Waldo?” Tell them it’s in mid-state Florida. http://www.waldo-fl.com/
(All photos property of Outlaw and the Handyman)
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